Friday, September 19, 2008

THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!!

Man, that movie pumps me up (I'm talking about 300, for all of you [girls] who haven't seen it)! I read that they trained all the actors for weeks before production even began on the movie, just so that they would be totally ripped. Those Spartans were men. Real men. They walked fearlessly towards their destinies - with heads held high - even though they knew that the outcome would probably not be favorable. They fought an impossible battle with all their might, under the fierce leadership of King Leonidas, and ended up being killed in the battle with the Persians.

I wish people saw me like that! It's not the 9-pack of abs (though that'd be nice...) that makes me envy those Spartans - it's the ferocity. It's the willpower that pushed them to follow their fearless leader. It's the fact that they were DANGEROUS.

Am I dangerous? Am I a man?

1 Corinthians 13:11 - "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS."

As Craig would say... wow dang. This is Paul talking, so you pretty much know his advice is going to be sound - but this is straight to the point, eh? I like how he doesn't say, "I postponed childish things," or, "I modified childish things to make them seem okay now...."

He put them away. For good. My prayer today is that those childish things that defined my immaturity (pride, lust, laziness, gluttony, etc) would be PUT AWAY. Gone.

You can't define yourself by the same habits if you are a different person.

Now... I'm sick so I'm going to relax for a while. More on this topic next time.

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